Research Article
Izida I. Ishmuradova, Sergei P. Zhdanov, Sergey V. Kondrashev, Natalya S. Erokhova, Elena E. Grishnova, Nonna Yu. Volosova
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 3, Article No: ep579
The development of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has started a conversation on its possible uses and inherent difficulties in the field of education. It becomes essential to understand the perceptions of pre-service teachers about the integration of this technology into teaching practices as AI models including ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini acquire popularity. This investigation sought to create a valid and trustworthy instrument for evaluating pre-service science teachers’ opinions on the implementation of generative AI in educational settings related to science. This work was undertaken within the faculty of education at Kazan Federal University. The total number of participants is 401 undergraduate students. The process of scale development encompassed expert evaluation for content validity, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and assessments of reliability. The resultant scale consisted of four dimensions: optimism and utility of AI in science education, readiness and openness to AI integration, AI’s role in inclusivity and engagement, and concerns and skepticism about AI in science education. The scale demonstrated robust psychometric properties, evidenced by elevated reliability coefficients. Cluster analysis unveiled distinct profiles of pre-service teachers based on their responses, encompassing a spectrum from enthusiastic participants to skeptical disengaged individuals. This study provides a comprehensive instrument for evaluating pre-service teachers’ perceptions, thereby informing teacher education programs and professional development initiatives regarding the responsible integration of AI. Recommendations entail the validation of the scale across varied contexts, the exploration of longitudinal changes, and the investigation of subject-specific applications of generative AI in science education.
Keywords: generative artificial intelligence, science education, scale development, pre-service teacher’s perceptions
Research Article
Ali Sharaf Al Musawi, Asma Al Suhi, Zainab Al Mamari
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 2, Article No: ep562
Virtual reality (VR) has fundamentally changed how students interact with their subjects and learn because it offers an immersive learning environment. This qualitative study aims at exploring Omani English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers’ perceptions of using VR. It employed semi-structured interviews with 20 schoolteachers working in Al-Dhahira Educational Governorate in Oman, 10 females and 10 males. The findings revealed positive perceptions towards VR integration into education. However, the study found key challenges hindering the implementation of VR in education, including time constraints, technological barriers, financial concerns, the need for professional training, content creation challenges, and the necessity for students to acclimate to VR technology. Further, it showed that the primary concerns related to VR focus on cultural considerations, hacking, privacy, data security, and potential addiction. It also illustrated teachers’ main recommendations of providing sufficient infrastructure, institutional support, and continuous research on such technology. This research fills a gap in literature regarding the effective integration of VR into the Omani educational system. By tackling the specific challenges related to this context, it provides valuable implications and recommendations for Omani policymakers and educators to introduce VR for students in public schools in Oman.
Keywords: virtual reality, Oman, EFL schoolteachers, perceptions, technology integration
Research Article
Aminah Saad Aldossary, Alia Abdullah Aljindi, Jamilah Mohammed Alamri
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 4, Article No: ep536
Purpose: This study aims to provide an analysis of students’ perceptions of the role of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools in education, through five axes: (1) level of knowledge and awareness, (2) level of acceptance and readiness, (3) the role of GenAI in education, (4 (level of awareness of potential concerns and challenges, and (5) The impact of GenAI tools on achieving the sustainable development goals in education.
Materials and methods: The study followed a descriptive quantitative methodology based on surveying through a questionnaire. The sample consisted of 1390 students from 15 Saudi universities.
Results: The students have positive perceptions towards the role of GenAI tools in education, as students have a high level of awareness and acceptance of adopting these tools. In addition, students are highly aware of the role of GenAI tools in improving their understanding of complex concepts, developing skills, improving their self-efficacy, learning outcomes, providing feedback, and making learning meaningful. The results also confirm their general awareness of the concerns and challenges. A relationship exists between students’ perceptions of GenAI and their scientific specializations, as students in computer sciences showed greater awareness regarding concerns and challenges, whereas students in agricultural sciences showed greater awareness of the impact of GenAI tools on achieving sustainable development goals.
Conclusions: The study offers valuable insights on GenAI adoption in higher education, also there is an urgent need to consider developing appropriate use policies, spreading awareness, and creating systems capable of detecting unethical cases.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, LLM, technology role, education filed, perceptions of Saudi students
Research Article
Rosita Rahma, Andayani, Atikah Anindyarini
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 4, Article No: ep530
This illustrative case study investigation was conducted to learn how Indonesian in-service teachers perceived teaching reading in a digital era and the challenges they encountered. The data were submitted by a total of 30 teachers who participated in the subject post for Indonesian junior high schools. Data collection strategies include participatory classroom observation, interviews, and guided written reflection. The data were analyzed using the constant comparative method. The study’s findings highlight issues concerning teachers’ perceptions and teachers’ challenges while teaching reading in a digital setting. As many as 63% of teachers believe that the proportion of time teachers spend to practice reading skills from online sources is 40%–50% of total teaching hours at school. Furthermore, 40% of them believe that the criteria for teacher success in reading is when pupils improve their reading comprehension skills. The analysis also revealed that teachers encountered a number of challenges: (1) lack of knowledge about models and media for learning to read in a digital context, (2) lack of students’ ability to read multi-text sources, and (3) lack of motivation and awareness among students in reading. The findings of this study impact the understanding and training requirements of junior high school teachers concerning reading instruction methods in a digital context. Future studies should focus on innovation and the development of learning models to improve the quality of reading comprehension in a digital environment.
Keywords: digital era, Indonesian in-service teachers, teaching reading, teachers’ challenges, teachers’ perceptions
Research Article
Carmen Ricardo, Camilo Vieira, Roxana Quintero-Manes, John Cano
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep465
While some students had experience receiving online education prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergency remote modality offered a different experience given that higher education faculty had limited time for planning and, most of them, did not have any experience in online education. This research aims to identify the differences between undergraduate students’ perceptions and preferences on emergency remote and online education. Researchers identified a set of online education courses–that pre-existed COVID-19 times–and courses that were transformed into remote education courses–designed as a response of the COVID-19 emergency. Participants of this study are a group of students who, during the same academic semester, participated in both online and (emergency) remote courses. Researchers used a survey to understand students’ perceptions and preferences assessing their experiences in different dimensions (e.g., interaction and evaluation). Researchers used the add-on preferential groups model to identify which of the two modalities was preferred by the students for each dimension. The quantitative analysis was complemented using content analysis of responses to open-ended questions, seeking to gain a better understanding of students’ perceptions and preferences between online and emergency remote education. The results show that students have a positive view of the online and remote modalities; however, each of these modalities offers students advantages for specific dimensions. For example, the remote modality was preferred for having greater interaction among peers and with the instructor. On the other hand, online education provided more flexibility. Students suggested improving assessments’ approaches and instructors’ technological skills for both modalities.
Keywords: emergency remote education, preferences, perceptions, online learning, higher education
Research Article
Othman Abu Khurma, Nagla Ali, Myint Swe Khine
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep458
This study explored how students and teachers perceived the interdisciplinary integration of 3D printing technology in teaching and learning within the United Arab Emirates (UAE) elementary schools and its relation to students’ attitudes toward STEM careers. The study participants were 148 students and seven teachers from two elementary schools in the UAE. Technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge framework was used to guide the planning and integration of 3D printing into teaching and learning. Both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools were used to collect data from students and teachers. The data collection tools included a student’s survey, teachers’ interviews, and students’ focus group interviews. The study’s findings confirmed those of existing literature, which stressed the positive perceptions of students and teachers regarding the interdisciplinary integration of 3D printing technology in teaching and learning. Furthermore, students’ perception was positively correlated with students’ attitudes toward STEM careers. However, the study found that teachers were more likely to implement 3D printing in their classrooms when they receive proper training on the pedagogical and technical aspects of 3D printing, and hence addressing the possible challenges of integrating this technology in teaching and learning.
Keywords: 3D printing, STEM, interdisciplinary integration, teacher’s perception, student’s perception
Research Article
Santi Pratiwi Tri Utami, Andayani, Retno Winarni, Sumarwati
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep450
Research shows that artificial intelligence (AI) technology positively influences students’ writing skills, but this area has yet to be touched by Indonesian researchers. This study aims to map perception, obstacles, and recommendations for optimizing use of AI in teaching academic writing in Indonesian. This article focuses on a case study of three senior high schools in Central Java, Indonesia. It employs quantitative and qualitative data. The researcher collected the data using questionnaires presented with Likert scale, followed by an in-depth interview through mobile instant messaging interview. Findings show that (1) AI-based learning tools help students to do academic research, especially in the planning step, to identify and develop the topics, as well as in the drafting step, to develop a paper draft, (2) AI-based learning tools are deemed flexible in accessibility despite not being able to cover all necessities required by students in writing process, (3) students are interested in using AI technology in academic writing class so that learning process will not be boring. Although AI has been used in academic writing classes, tools have not positively impacted quality of students’ academic papers in all indicators. There are several obstacles to using AI, namely (1) need for more available feature, especially in editing Indonesian text, and (2) in contrast, the features still need to be optimized. These are the recommendations for the optimization of AI-based learning tools, which are (1) adding features to edit Indonesian text, including spelling, diction, and sentence structure, and (2) enhancing AI literacy to be able to explore and leverage the existing features optimally. This research has yet to accommodate the possible coverage in checking the originality and accuracy of the written product assisted by AI-based learning tools, which could become a focus for future researchers.
Keywords: perception, AI technology, learning tools, academic writing
Research Article
Saif Alneyadi, Yousef Wardat
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep448
The study aimed to examine the influence of ChatGPT on the academic performance and learning perception of eleventh-grade students in a United Arab Emirates school in the field of electronic magnetism. The participants were randomly divided into two groups: an experimental group granted access to ChatGPT and a control group without access to ChatGPT. The research spanned four weeks, during which the experimental group was instructed to utilize ChatGPT whenever they required assistance with the course content. The study employed a mixed-methods design, collecting both quantitative and qualitative data to assess the impact of ChatGPT on student learning and perception. Quantitative data was gathered through pre-/post-test surveys, measuring participants’ course achievement and perception of learning with ChatGPT. Qualitative data was collected via open-ended survey questions, allowing participants to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. The study revealed that ChatGPT had a positive influence on student achievement and perception of learning in the field of electronic magnetism. The experimental group displayed significant enhancements in their scores on the post-test measuring the impact of ChatGPT on student achievement, exhibiting higher mean scores across all subscales compared to the control group. Furthermore, both male and female participants acknowledged ChatGPT as a valuable learning tool, offering suggestions for enhancing its functionality. The study suggests that ChatGPT is an effective tool for enhancing student learning and achievement in specific academic domains. However, further research is needed to explore its generalizability to other contexts and disciplines, as well as to address potential challenges and limitations of ChatGPT use in education.
Keywords: ChatGPT, electronic magnetism, learning enhancement, natural language processing, student perception
Research Article
Sang Eun Lee, Naya Choi, Jieun Kiaer
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 3, Article No: ep424
The study explored the social perceptions of young children’s use of smart devices in South Korea using big data methodologies. Big data methodologies allowed to uncover underlying thoughts and feelings about young children’s use of smart devices that had not been discovered in existing studies. The study extracted raw data from three different groups: the public, the journalist, and academia. Then, the study conducted keyword frequency, sentiment analysis, and CONCOR analysis with UCINET 6.0. The results of the study revealed that each group viewed young children’s use of smart devices in a different way. The public was interested in effective use of smart devices while the journalist focused on educational aspects. The academia focused on parents’ perception of smart devices from a developmental perspective. Regarding the results of sentiment analysis, they showed that each group had different opinion on young children’s use of smart devices. The public had an ambivalent attitude toward young children’s use of smart devices. While the journalist showed a positively inclined attitude, the academic had a negatively inclined attitude.
Keywords: big data methodologies, smart devices, social perceptions, young children
Research Article
Rida Afrilyasanti, Yazid Basthomi, Evynurul Laily Zen
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article No: ep414
The global expansion in the Internet access and the rise of digital media are compatible with students’ characteristics as generations-Z who mainly engage in nature through mobile applications. Because of the characteristics of today’s students and the growth of digital media and information, there is a need for critical media literacy (CML) instructions and the use of digital-based and student-centered learning approaches such as online discussion forums (ODFs). Through an exploratory study, we aim to understand better students’ perceptions of ODF for their CML learning within EFL classes, factors affecting students’ active participation in ODF, and teachers’ roles in ODF while facilitating students’ CML learning in an EFL context and enhancing students’ engagement and performance in ODF. 250 EFL students from Indonesian secondary schools took part in this study. The participating students were studying English with CML embedded into the lessons. The research showed significant conclusions about factors that need to consider while having ODF in CML learning within the EFL context and the roles of teachers in ODF. We have also provided some practical and feasible suggestions from which practitioners in the area might benefit.
Keywords: critical media literacy, digital literacy, EFL classes, students’ perception, teachers’ perception, online discussion forum
Research Article
Gulnara M. Kassymova, Saule B. Tulepova, Madina B. Bekturova
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 1, Article No: ep396
Digital competence has become a crucial capability in the learning process, in the working place, and in personal communication. The aim of the article is to explore master students’ perceptions of their digital competence by identifying frequency, expertise, and satisfaction in using information communication technologies (ICT) in their learning process when studying at university and teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in the context of online education. The sample comprised 49 master students who participated in distant evening classes at a private university in Kazakhstan while working simultaneously as teachers of English in various educational institutions during the day. Master students’ perceptions of digital competence is one of the approaches to reveal the gaps in students’ digital competence development necessary for learning and teaching EFL online. The main research tool for data collection was the online survey allowing the master students to measure their level of digital competence. Evident from the results, the majority of respondents are digitally competent; yet there is a cohort of master students who scored low on ICT skills needed for teaching and admitted the necessity of improvement. Also, according to the findings, the respondents’ frequency, expertise, and satisfaction level by their digital competence needed in the learning is higher than that in teaching. This can also imply that even though the frequency and expertise in using digital technologies for learning contributes to the development of the expertise in using them for conducting their own classes, master students need special training on the use of ICT for pedagogical purposes.
Keywords: perceptions, digital competence, ICT, learning, teaching, EFL, online
Research Article
Cristina A. Huertas-Abril, Francisco Javier Palacios-Hidalgo
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 4, Article No: ep390
This study examines the perceptions of pre-service English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers of their skills to face emergency remote language teaching (ERLT) situations, and to determine whether these vary according to gender, age, university, or course. A cross-sectional survey model was used with 332 pre-service EFL teachers studying in two Spanish universities, an onsite institution, and a distance university. After analyzing the results, it can be said that participants’ ERLT skills are moderate, and they vary significantly according to age, course, and type of university, but no statistically significant differences are found regarding gender. The results can guide teacher trainers and researchers, as they reveal the needs of pre-service EFL teachers to teach effectively in ERLT situations.
Keywords: distance university, English language teaching, teacher education, teacher perceptions
Research Article
Ozlem Baydas Onlu, Mustafa Serkan Abdusselam, Rabia Meryem Yilmaz
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 3, Article No: ep368
This study aimed to develop the “Students’ Perception of Instructional Feedback Scale” (SPIFS) determining a framework related to the perception of instructional feedback by students. The sequential exploratory mixed method was used in the study. The study was conducted during the instructional design course offered to sophomores in the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology at two different universities. Accordingly, firstly a scale consisting of 31 items with Likert-type responses was prepared based on the literature review. Validity and reliability analyses of the scale were completed with a total of 231 participants. After necessary steps were applied in exploratory factor analysis (EFA, n=100), a structure with three factors and 19 items was established. The internal consistency analysis (Cronbach’s alpha), which was applied to the factors obtained and the whole scale, showed the scale to be reliable (whole scale α=.85, 1st factor (mastery, 8 items) α=.92, 2nd factor (positive affect, 6 items) α=.90, and 3rd factor (negative affect, 5 items) α=.96). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was performed (n=131). The structure established through EFA was tested via CFA. The results indicated that the developed structure had acceptable fit (RMSEA=.08, CFI=.91, and RMR=.03).
Keywords: instructional feedback scale, students’ perception, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis
Research Article
Min Young Doo
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 1, Article No: ep331
This study investigated flipped learners’ perceptions, perceived usefulness, intention to register for flipped learning classes, and learning engagement using cluster analysis with a sample of 306 undergraduate students in flipped classes. The students were classified into five clusters based on their level of social influence and cognitive instrumental processes using the technology acceptance model 2. There were significant differences among the five clusters in perceived usefulness, intention to register for flipped learning classes, and learning engagement. The perception of and preference for flipped learning also varied by cluster. The flipped learning feature that most participants commented on was online pre-learning sessions. The advantages of flipped learning that have to do with online pre-learning sessions include facilitating understanding of lectures, providing review opportunities for learning, flexible learning time, and individualized learning. These advantages indicate that providing students with instructionally sound pre-learning sessions leads to successful flipped learning. The research findings also suggest that flipped class instructors and school administrators utilize cluster analysis with meaningful variables to provide students with effective and tailored learning support.
Keywords: flipped learning, perceptions of flipped learning, perceived usefulness, learning engagement, registration intention, cluster analysis
Research Article
Trang Phan, Mary Paul, Meina Zhu
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 13, Issue 3, Article No: ep307
This study portrays profile uses of technology in the classroom by faculty at a school of education at a university in Central California (N = 47). First, it describes their professional uses of certain technology on a frequency scale. Second, it reports the effects of faculty’s teaching philosophy and perceptions of instructional technology (IT) in their teaching practice with regards to use of technology. This study employed quantitative data analysis. The findings indicate that faculty’s teaching goals and perception of the learning environment play an important role in determining their uses of technology. Third, it reveals faculty’s motivation and challenges to use certain technological tools in their teaching. Specifically, the participants reported high levels of motivation for using various new technologies, minimal challenges to IT use in their classroom and their actual uses of such technology being unknown. Given the faculty’s high motivation (or absence of barriers) of using various innovative technology, one of the suggestions for future professional development programs is to offer training which moves beyond understanding how to use technology, and addresses the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching with technology.
Keywords: technological practice, perceptions, teaching philosophy, instructional technology, professional development
Research Article
Ardita Todri, Petraq Papajorgji, Howard Moskowitz, Francesco Scalera
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 13, Issue 1, Article No: ep287
This paper presents the perceptions on distance learning approaches, assessed through an online survey, using experimental design of ideas (Mind Genomics). Students and professors of higher education institutions who had not yet experienced distance learning before COVID-19 pandemic period participated in the study. The participants belong to the universities located in Mediterranean basin, e.g., Albania, Italy, Morocco, Algeria and few African countries.
Results suggest that distance learning will shift many of the responsibilities formerly on the professors to those of the students. The data suggests the need for emotional support during this transition, specifically to maintain interaction among students and professor as well as among students themselves in distance learning platforms as in traditional classrooms. The study shows that the effectiveness and the interactivity of this new paradigm are very important and any further developments of distance learning should provide strong support for these components. The position of the professor is indispensable as the guide to the entire process, suggesting that at least at the time of this writing (2020) distance learning approach is perceived only to be an intermittent complementary path to in-person interactions.
Keywords: distance learning, Mind Genomics, survey, user’s perceptions
Research Article
Erin Stratton, George Chitiyo, Allen M. Mathende, Krista M. Davis
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 131-142
The purpose of this study was to compare how face-to-face instruction and flipped learning differed in terms of student achievement in seventh grade science classes, as well as to assess how students who were in the flipped classroom felt about their experiences. A total of 81 students received face-to-face instruction, and 73 received flipped instruction. All students completed pre- and post-assessments. Additionally, students in the flipped classroom completed a survey to assess perceptions of their experiences with the flipped model. Analysis of variance results showed no differences in performance between the two groups of students. There were also no interactions between instructional method with both gender and ability. The student survey data showed that the majority of students enjoyed the flipped model. Large percentages of students reported increased engagement and motivation under the flipped model. In conclusion, we found that flipped instruction was as effective as face-to-face instruction.
Keywords: flipped classroom, seventh grade, perceptions, face-to-face instruction
Research Article
Emeka Joshua Chukwuemeka, Dominic Samaila
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 11, Issue 1, pp. 99-109
The study investigated teachers’ perception and factors limiting the use of high-tech assistive technologies resources in special education schools in North-West Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive survey design using a questionnaire to sought data from 120 respondents who were drawn using a multi-stage sampling technique from special education schools within the region. Three research questions were raised to guide the study. The questionnaire was subjected to expert validation and reliability was established through a pilot study using 20 teachers from two special education schools within the study area, but not part of the sampled schools. The reliability coefficient of 0.81 was obtained for the questionnaire using the Cronbach Alpha formula. The data collected were analyzed using percentage, mean and standard deviation. Findings revealed that teachers do not use high-tech assistive devices regularly to teach students with physical disabilities. However, teachers perceived positively that there are great benefits to the use of these resources. It was recommended among others that both government and other stakeholders should organize workshop, seminars and other capacity building training regularly for teachers as means of updating their knowledge and skills in the use of assistive devices considering the dynamic nature of special education technology.
Keywords: assistive technology, high-tech, utilization, perception, special education, limiting factors
Research Article
Kevin Smith
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 111-130
Adaptive learning programs are frequently used in the K-8 mathematics classroom. These programs provide instruction to students at the appropriate level of difficulty by presenting content, providing feedback, and allowing students to master skills before progressing. The purpose of the study was to seek to interpret how preservice teachers’ experiences influence their perceptions and plans to integrate adaptive learning programs in their future K-8 mathematics classroom. This was a qualitative study with 17 participants who were enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program. Data was collected and analyzed from archived journals the participants completed as a part of their K-8 Math Methods course, a survey, and semi-structured interviews. The findings from this study indicate that the participating preservice teachers perceive adaptive learning programs to be beneficial for students, and they recognize they have many decisions to make regarding what adaptive learning programs are used and how they are integrated into the classroom. The study also found that the instruction the preservice teachers received in their K-8 Math Methods course played a critical role in making them aware of the features available and myriad of options available in adaptive learning programs.
Keywords: Preservice teacher education, Mathematics education, Adaptive learning systems, Perceptions for technology
Research Article
Andrew C. Lawrence, Adel T. Al-Bataineh, Douglas Hatch
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 206-224
The purpose of this study was to examine educator’s perceptions regarding the quality of student learning during the implementation of a one-to-one computing program in a private secondary school in central Illinois. The sample of the study consisted of 26 teachers, administrators, and counselors who worked with 320 students during one-to-one technology implementation program. First a Likert type scale was administered and then interviews were conducted with the participants to find out their observations, perceptions, and opinions with regard to student learning. The results show that most educators believe that student learning has slightly improved with the implementation of one-to-one technology program
Keywords: One to one technology, Technology implementation, Challenges of technology, Teacher perceptions of technology use
Research Article
Khitam Shraim, Helen Crompton
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 301-318
Smart mobile devices (SMDs), especially smartphones and tablets, are becoming increasingly ubiquitous among educators and students in Palestine. While their use is on the rise, many academics are not effectively incorporating this technology into their teaching, which may be attributable to their negative perceptions of these devices. This study therefore examined academics’ perceptions of the value of integrating SMDs into their teaching activities. A questionnaire survey collected data from 56 academic staff of the Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie, eliciting perceptions of the physical attributes of SMDs, participants’ self-efficacy, the pedagogical affordance of mobile devices and challenges to their use in teaching. The findings show that participants were still at the stage of actively experimenting with smartphones and iPads, trialing their use at different levels and for different purposes. In general, although participants were unaware of the full potential of their functionalities, they viewed positively the various pedagogical affordances of integrating these devices into their teaching activities. The most important affordances were linking formal and informal learning spaces by providing anywhere-anytime learning opportunities, and developing interest in the subject matter, thus making learning experience more enjoyable, meaningful, and accessible. The results also identify various challenges including lack of experience and knowledge, finding the time to design and implement such integration, and selecting appropriate apps for the content being taught. Participants also expressed concerns with the limited connectivity and unreliability of Wi-Fi and 3G/4G networks in Palestine.
Keywords: Higher education, Smart mobile devices, Mobile learning, Faculty perceptions
Research Article
Angelos Konstantinidis, Dimitra Theodosiadou, Christos Pappos
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 212-221
The purpose of this review is to analyze and evaluate the research findings on using Plagiarism Detection Services (PDS) in universities. In order to do that, conceptual issues about plagiarism are examined and the complex nature of plagiarism is discussed. Subsequently, the pragmatic forms of student plagiarism are listed and PDS strategies on detecting plagiarism are accounted briefly. Research findings are categorized into four interconnected areas: (a) effectiveness and efficiency of PDS; (b) university and course context; (c) perceptions and attitudes towards use of PDS from educators; and (d) perceptions and attitudes towards use of PDS from students. Finally, the authors discuss their own perspective on the issue of implementing PDS in various educational contexts.
Keywords: Plagiarism detection services, Plagiarism forms, Plagiarism prevention, Academic integrity, Perceptions about plagiarism.
Research Article
Charles Buabeng-Andoh
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 36-49
This study was conducted to explore teachers’ skills, perceptions, and practices about ICT in second-cycle institutions in Ghana. Questionnaires were distributed to 273 teachers in different departments, 241 were returned, and 231 were valid for data analysis, representing a response rate of 85%. The validity of the questionnaire was approved by a panel of experts in the field. The Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was 0.91. Descriptive statistics and correlation were used to analyze data. Of the 231 teachers, 66% were males and 34% were females. Majority of the respondents were between the ages 30-39. The correlation analysis revealed positive correlation between ICT use and teachers’ competences. Further, teachers’ perceptions in terms of using ICT were found to be positive but not statistically significant. Finally, the study revealed inverse correlations among ICT use, age, and teaching experience. The descriptive results indicated that teachers’ knowledge in basic ICT applications as well as integrating ICT into teaching and learning processes was low. These results provide evidence that the introduction of ICT in teaching and learning has not brought any change in the delivery of education in second-cycle schools in Ghana. This also implies that teachers have not shifted from teacher-centered instruction to student-centered learning. From the findings of the study, it is recommended that courses such as computer supported learning, ICTs and designing instructional materials should be introduced in initial teacher training programs to improve teachers’ level of confidence and perceptions towards the use of ICT.
Keywords: Technology integration in schools, Teachers’ perceptions of ICT, Student-centered learning, Information and communication technologies, Teacher education
Research Article
Suzan Duygu Eristi, Ozden Sahin-Izmirli, Serkan Izmirli, Mehmet Firat, Halil Ibrahim Haseski
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 1, Issue 4, pp. 348-366
The purpose of this study was to develop a scale which could be used to evaluate instructional website designs from the perspective of visual perception theories. For this purpose, a scale of 50 items was developed based on the literature and expert opinions. Visual perception theories such as Gestalt Theory, Brunswick’s Probabilistic Functionalism, Neuropsychological Theory, Theory of Direct Perception and Ecological Optics, Constructivist Visual Perception Theory and Computational Approach to Visual Perception provided a basis for the development of scale items; also a focus group discussion was employed. 196 students from the Computer Education and Instructional Technologies (CEIT) Department filled the scale. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was applied along with the principal component method on data. Following the factor analysis, a single factor scale was developed. The loading of each item in the scale was found to be over .30. The internal consistency coefficient of the overall scale was high (α=.961). The corrected item-total correlation coefficient of the items was .301 and over. Through factor analysis, it was revealed that the scale had a single-factor structure with an explained variance of 35%. At the end of the study, several recommendations were presented for future studies.
Keywords: Visual Perception, Scale development, Instructional website, Factor analysis
Research Article
Necmi Esgi, Vildan Cevik
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 221-232
This study investigated primary education students’ perception of the Internet through resorting to the images they produced for the Internet concept. Sixty five primary education students constituted the sample of the study. Participants were asked to draw a picture concerning the Internet concept. In addition, researchers gave a 10-item survey form to voluntary students to collect demographic information. Frequency, percentage and Chi-square analyses were carried out for the demographic data collected. Qualitative analyses were conducted on the pictures students drew, and an evaluation chart was prepared. The images that students generated concerning Internet concepts have been categorized as: “game, homework, chat, research, music, video, violence and news”. Furthermore, other remarkable themes were torch, individualism, motionlessness and so on. Most common reasons of using the Internet were homework and games. It was revealed that personal Internet usage coincided with the images created concerning the Internet. There appeared a direct connection with the first three objects which came to mind about the Internet and the images they produced.
Keywords: Students of Primary Education, Internet, Perception, Painting, Images