Review Article
Klarisa I. Vorobyeva, Svetlana Belous, Natalia V. Savchenko, Lyudmila M. Smirnova, Svetlana A. Nikitina, Sergei P. Zhdanov
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 2, Article No: ep574
In this analysis, we review artificial intelligence (AI)-supported personalized learning (PL) systems, with an emphasis on pedagogical approaches and implementation challenges. We searched the Web of Science and Scopus databases. After the preliminary review, we examined 30 publications in detail. ChatGPT and machine learning technologies are among the most often utilized tools; studies show that general education and language learning account for the majority of AI applications in the field of education. Supported by particular learning approaches stressing student characteristics and expectations, the results show that automated feedback systems and adaptive content distribution define AI’s educational responsibilities mostly. The study notes major difficulties in three areas: technical constraints and data privacy concerns; educational and pragmatic barriers. Although curriculum integration and teacher preparation are considered major concerns, pedagogical challenges come first above technology integration. The results also underline the need for thorough professional development activities for teachers and AI tools for especially targeted instruction. The study shows that the efficient application of AI-enabled PL requires a comprehensive strategy addressing technological, pedagogical, and ethical issues all at once. These results help to describe the current state of AI in education and provide ideas for future developments as well as techniques for its use.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, personalized learning, adaptive learning, intelligent tutoring systems, ethics in AI education
Review Article
Ángela Novoa-Echaurren, Alejandra Canales-Tapia, Linda Molin-Karakoç
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 1, Article No: ep561
Rapid technological developments have heightened global interest in pedagogically sound uses of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in education. However, universal principles for ICT integration need to better align with the local realities of teachers and schools for optimal uptake. Using Chile and Finland as case studies, this research summarizes, appraises, and synthesizes literature on teachers’ ICT uses before and during the pandemic. Adopting a ‘glocal’ framework (Manca et al., 2021), the study identifies local and global trends in ICT uses, including potential research shifts that carry implications for both theory and practice. A systematic literature review was conducted to examine Finnish and Chilean teachers’ ICT uses as reported in studies across five databases. The search was limited to peer-reviewed, English-language publications over a thirteen-year period and yielded 26 high-quality papers that were analyzed using meta-aggregation. Findings reveal that the reported ICT uses depended on the research methods employed to study these where qualitative studies documented innovative uses and quantitative studies more traditional uses of ICT. During the pandemic, research shifted to focus more on teacher experiences with Finnish studies highlighting positive ICT-related experiences and Chilean studies negative experiences including teachers’ lack of training and practical issues. Based on the findings, recommendations are given to continue to enhance ICT integration both locally and globally.
Keywords: ICT integration, pedagogical uses of ICT, systematic literature review, COVID-19 pandemic, Finland, Chile
Review Article
Pan Qi, Nurul Farhana Binti Jumaat, Hassan Abuhassna, Li Ting
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 4, Article No: ep529
This systematic literature review aims to offer an in-depth analysis of the existing research landscape regarding the application of the flipped classroom approach within the domain of language learning. The investigators methodically selected and analyzed 57 papers from 656 documents using a systematic and rigorous approach to literature selection. Our findings demonstrate the significant international impact of this field, with contributions from many countries and districts as well as globally excellent academic institutions. This review examines multiple areas of research, including improving students’ perceptions and attitudes in flipped classrooms, language proficiency, motivational factors, etc. In addition, the research methods employed were evaluated, with a particular emphasis on mixed methods which combined the quantitative method with the qualitative method. Even though the application of flipped classrooms in language learning has achieved some achievements, some limitations are obvious. The most notable are the problem of sample size, the difficulty of technology integration, the lack of teacher training, the singularity of language research, etc. The research gaps revealed in this literature review, indicate interesting possibilities for future research. The diversity of research languages, the multiplicity of research methods, the integration of advanced technologies, and intensive teacher training will be significant of the area focus. This systematic literature review not only enriches the existing knowledge system but also has the potential to the direction of the development of flipped classrooms in language learning.
Keywords: flipped classroom, language learning, systematic literature review, SLR
Review Article
Hassan Abuhassna, Mohamad Azrien Bin Mohamed Adnan, Fareed Awae
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 2, Article No: ep499
To enhance education, we conducted a comprehensive investigation into integrating instructional design models (IDMs) and learning theories in this systematic literature review. We methodically selected and analyzed 25 publications from a pool of 1,102 documents using the preferred reportinfg items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses framework to guarantee a rigorous and systematic approach to literature selection. Our results demonstrate the worldwide span of study on this topic, including contributions from prestigious academic institutions and scholarly journals. This examination explores both the benefits and drawbacks of combining IDMs with learning theories. Noteworthy positives include increased student motivation, support for innovative teaching methods, and the development of complex and diverse learning environments. However, several shortcomings were observed. most notably relating to accessibility problems, evaluation difficulties, and questions about the adaptability of such integrated techniques. Our findings have implications for a broad range of stakeholders, including educators, instructional designers, and students functioning in a variety of educational contexts. The increase of learner motivation, the creation of novel pedagogical tools, the refining of teacher training programs, and the promotion of interdisciplinary learning methods are significant areas of focus. In addition, our evaluation uncovered a number of gaps in the current literature, indicating intriguing possibilities for future research. The examination of holistic learning environments, the untapped potential of integrated systems, the incorporation of educational robots into pedagogical tactics, and the refining of schema assessment approaches are notable research fields. By providing these insights, this systematic review not only adds to the current body of knowledge, but also has the potential to shape the future trajectory of educational practices, so acting as a significant resource for boosting learning outcomes in a variety of educational environments.
Keywords: instructional design models, learning theories, systematic literature review, SLR
Review Article
Kai Hu, Arumugam Raman
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 2, Article No: ep497
This systematic literature review (SLR) explores the integration of e-learning in universities, emphasizing a comprehensive approach that intertwines various mainstream perspectives. Despite numerous studies on e-learning implementation evaluation, few have holistically considered financial, human, technical, and policy factors. This review used PRISMA guidelines and sources from Scopus, Google Scholar, ERIC, SAGE, and ProQuest. Of 26 analyzed studies, seven core themes emerged: Policy, financial, technical, human, institutional factors, others, and an integrated perspective, further distilled into 13 sub-themes. Findings highlight the importance of an integrative framework for evaluating e-learning, underscoring the interplay between macro and institutional policies. Additionally, the authors recommend cross-national comparisons and data synthesis from stakeholders, including students, educators and directors, to fully grasp e-learning implementation dynamics. Distinctively, it adopts an integrated perspective, filling the research gap by emphasizing overlooked financial considerations and presenting a comprehensive view through an SLR. By drawing insights from human, finance, technical, and policy perspective, the study provides a multidimensional lens on e-learning. This forward-looking approach not only captures the current state of e-learning integration but also charts future research directions, establishing its originality and significance in higher education.
Keywords: an integrated perspective, holistic integration of e-learning, systematic literature review, universities
Research Article
Jung Sun Sung, Wen-Hao David Huang
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 1, Article No: ep489
This study identifies women college engineering students’ perception of online Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) learning and factors that influence their learning motivation during the COVID-19 period. By conducting interviews with ten women engineering students and applying attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction (ARCS) model, this study aims to answer two questions: (1) How did women college engineering students perceive their experience with online STEM learning during the pandemic? (2) What category/categories based on ARCS motivational design model primarily account for women college engineering students’ learning motivation with online STEM learning during the pandemic?
The results show that the online learning format influenced women college engineering students’ perception regarding their academic plans, learning styles, learning environments, peer learning, and learning satisfaction. The most influential categories from ARCS model were ‘confidence’ and ‘attention’. Findings suggest that the online STEM learning format influenced women college engineering students’ learning motivation. The online format led to (1) low expectations for attention category when analyzed using ARCS model, (2) anticipation of more self-control, and (3) a desire for more peer interactions in their online STEM learning.
As students would have new expectations for the role of online learning due to their experience during the pandemic, assessing women students’ emerging motivational needs for STEM online learning is critical in developing a more inclusive instructional system design process in the future.
Keywords: motivation, motivational design, STEM, women engineering, online learning, inclusive design
Review Article
Duong Huu Tong, Tien-Trung Nguyen, Bui Phuong Uyen, Lu Kim Ngan
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep482
Mobile learning (m-learning) is a crucial educational technology for teacher education due to its significant benefits and the development of mobile technology. This study’s objective is to conduct a systematic review and present a recent synthesis of the m-learning literature from 2018 to 2023 in teacher education relating to subject publication year, geographic distribution, matter domains, mobile devices and technologies used, research methodologies used to examine the implementation of m-learning, results for pre-service teachers, as well as benefits and challenges of m-learning adoption. The study used the systematic review methodology and PRISMA guidelines. A list of 27 studies was included from several relevant studies in four, Google Scholar, Mendeley, ScienceDirect, and Scopus, databases using inclusion and exclusion criteria to evaluate the full text after screening the titles and abstracts. The results of this study show that m-learning has garnered interest in numerous nations worldwide, applied in different subject matter domains with the use of various mobile devices and technologies. More significantly, the findings show that using mobile learning to learn positively impacts how pre-service teachers develop their knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Additionally, adopting this learning style recently in teacher education has certain advantages and challenges, requiring lecturers, pre-service teachers, and institutions to have the necessary equipment for knowledge, skills and facilities to achieve efficiency. Consequently, the results of this study can be used as a guide for research on m-learning in the future and contribute to the body of knowledge about this pedagogical strategy for teacher training.
Keywords: m-learning, pre-service teacher, systematic review, teacher education
Research Article
Blanka Klimova, Katarina Zamborova
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep481
With the advancement of technologies, disabled students are being cared for to progress in their education through assistive technologies (AT). They ensure the inclusion of the target group to make them equal with their peers who do not suffer from disabilities. Unfortunately, there is only scarce research on this margin group in connection with technology. Therefore, the aim of the systematic review is to conduct research on the best practices, pedagogical implications, and limitations for the target group using AT. The results based on the review of empirical studies on the research topic conducted between 2013 and 2023 suggest that the best practices of AT are coming from recent years, specifically from 2017, and countries ranging from Europe to Indonesia and Thailand. Pedagogical implications suggest that the learners using AT are becoming more autonomous, independent and successful in academic achievements. Limitations within the study include the fact that AT needs to be more developed and accessible to learners along with more specialized training of specialists and teachers. Future research on the topic should be aimed at better equipment for these learners with AT.
Keywords: assistive technology, assistive technology, learning, English as a foreign language, systematic review
Review Article
Roza S. Akhmadieva, Natalia N. Udina, Yuliya P. Kosheleva, Sergei P. Zhdanov, Maria O. Timofeeva, Roza L. Budkevich
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep460
A descriptive bibliometric analysis of works on artificial intelligence (AI) in science education is provided in this article to help readers understand the state of the field’s research at the time. This study’s main objective is to give bibliometric data on publications regarding AI in science education printed in periodicals listed in the Scopus database between 2002 and 2023 end of May. The data gathered from publications scanned and published within the study’s parameters was subjected to descriptive bibliometric analysis based on seven categories: number of articles and citations per year, countries with the most publications, most productive author, most significant affiliation, funding institutions, publication source and subject areas. Most of the papers were published between 2016 and 2022. The United States of America, United Kingdom, and China were the top-3 most productive nations, with the United States of America producing the most publications. The number of citations to the publications indexed in Scopus database increased in a progressive way and reached to maximum number in 2022 with 178 citations. Most productive author on this topic was Salles, P. with four publications. Moreover, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Memphis, and University of Southern California have the maximum number of publications as affiliations. The National Science Foundation was the leader funding institution in terms of number of publications produced. In addition, “Proceedings Frontiers in Education Conference Fie” have the highest number of publications by year as a publication source. Distribution of the publications by subject area was analyzed. The subject areas of the publications were computer sciences, social sciences, science education, technology and engineering education respectively. This study presents a vision for future research and provides a global perspective on AI in science education.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, science education, STEM, bibliometric review
Research Article
Othman Abu Khurma, Nagla Ali, Myint Swe Khine
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep458
This study explored how students and teachers perceived the interdisciplinary integration of 3D printing technology in teaching and learning within the United Arab Emirates (UAE) elementary schools and its relation to students’ attitudes toward STEM careers. The study participants were 148 students and seven teachers from two elementary schools in the UAE. Technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge framework was used to guide the planning and integration of 3D printing into teaching and learning. Both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools were used to collect data from students and teachers. The data collection tools included a student’s survey, teachers’ interviews, and students’ focus group interviews. The study’s findings confirmed those of existing literature, which stressed the positive perceptions of students and teachers regarding the interdisciplinary integration of 3D printing technology in teaching and learning. Furthermore, students’ perception was positively correlated with students’ attitudes toward STEM careers. However, the study found that teachers were more likely to implement 3D printing in their classrooms when they receive proper training on the pedagogical and technical aspects of 3D printing, and hence addressing the possible challenges of integrating this technology in teaching and learning.
Keywords: 3D printing, STEM, interdisciplinary integration, teacher’s perception, student’s perception
Review Article
Warakon Phommanee, Boonrat Plangsorn, Sutithep Siripipattanakul
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep453
Learning experience design (LXD) is a new wave in educational technology and learning design. This study was conducted to clarify conceptual change to practice by applying a systematic literature review to a combination text mining and bibliometric analysis technique to visualization network. Based on the study selection articles from SCOPUS. Our research questions focused on the changing concept, the elements of dimensionality, and the process or practice of LXD. The findings showed that 152 articles were finally selected to be analyzed. Conceptualizing LXD is currently underway in design thinking and user research methods with emphasis on the empathize process. Moreover, three dimensions to consider including (1) design dimension focus on user experience design in a technology context, (2) learning dimension focus on instructional design and learning theory, and (3) standard dimension focus on assessment and evaluation in learning goal and project management. In addition, five steps cycle for practice follows: research learners as users and learning goals, design with ideate, develop prototyping, validity testing, and launch and follow-up. These factors enhance learning engagement and aesthetics for a great learner experience and learning efficacy.
Keywords: conceptual to practice, learning experience design, systematic review, text data, bibliometric analysis
Review Article
Muslimat G. Akhmedova, Gasangusein I. Ibragimov, Nina I. Kryukova, Natalya A. Galchenko, Larisa Y. Lutskovskaia, Zhanna M. Sizova, Marat R. Minkin
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 3, Article No: ep444
This article provides a bibliometric overview of publications on eLearning trends in STE(A)M teaching and learning to give readers a better understanding of the current state of research in the field. The main objective of this study is to provide bibliometric data on publications on online teaching and learning trends for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education (STEM) teaching and learning purposes printed in journals included in the Scopus database in the years 2011-2023. For the bibliometric analysis, STEM learning, STEM teaching, online education, bibliometric review keywords were used, and 136 documents from the Scopus database were chosen. The collected data of the publications scanned and published in the parameters of the study were subjected to a bibliometric analysis based on seven categories: number of articles and citations per year, most influential countries, most prolific author, most prominent affiliations, funding institutions, publication source, and subject areas. Network diagrams and bibliometric analyses were created using the Scopus database analysis. Most of the articles were published between 2016 and 2022. The United States of America, the United Kingdom, and China were among the top-three most productive countries, and the United States of America produced the most publications. The number of citations to publications indexed in the Scopus database is growing steadily and reached its peak in 2022 (178 citations). The most prolific author on this subject is Minichiello, A., with four publications. In addition, Stanford University and Utah State University have maximum publishing partners. By funding 16 publications for online STEM teaching and learning, the National Science Foundation has shown leadership. The topic areas of the publications’ distribution were looked at. The articles’ respective fields of study were social sciences and computer science. This study offers a vision for future research as well as a worldwide view of online learning for STEM teaching and learning.
Keywords: STEM learning, STEM teaching, online education, bibliometric review
Review Article
Bui Phuong Uyen, Duong Huu Tong, Lu Kim Ngan
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 3, Article No: ep433
Online project-based learning (PjBL) is an increasingly popular teaching approach in higher education, especially in teacher education. Implementing online PjBL differs across subjects, bringing many benefits while posing challenges for educators and pre-service teachers. This systematic review aims to investigate the implementation, effectiveness and challenges of adopting PjBL in teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The review provided a thorough overview of research on PjBL in teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic, which was carried out using the systematic review methodology and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Several relevant articles from five different databases (Google Scholar, Mendeley, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Taylor & Francis Online) were collected using the keywords “project-based learning” and “teacher education” along with their synonyms. A final list of 26 included articles to be reviewed in this study is produced after the titles and abstracts screening and full texts evaluation using inclusion and exclusion criteria. This systematic review reveals that PjBL has been applied in teaching various subjects in teacher education with different types of projects and assessment methods. More importantly, integrating PjBL in teaching has been proven to positively impact the development of pre-service teachers’ knowledge, professional skills and learning attitudes. In addition, applying PjBL poses certain challenges for educators due to the requirements on teachers’ and students’ knowledge and skills as well as equipment and technology facilities. On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic, if viewed positively, contributes to boosting educators’ motivation and facilitating the implementation of online PjBL. The study findings can be used as a reference for future PjBL research and contribute to the literature on PjBL in the context of teacher education.
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, online project-based learning, teacher education, systematic review
Review Article
Chen Chuang, Nurullizam Jamiat
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article No: ep412
Emergent literacy is the term used to describe the reading and writing experiences of young children before they learn to write and read conventionally, and it is important for the construction of children’s early reading skills and the enhancement of their later reading performance. The systematic review was conducted to examine the effectiveness of children’s interactive reading apps in promoting emergent literacy for children between the ages of three and eight over the last decade (2013-2022). A total of 50 studies were included in this review, and it can be concluded that multimedia features (e.g., a dictionary, background music, and animated pictures) in children’s interactive reading apps are effective for enhancing emergent literacy. Conversely, interactive functions (such as games and hotspots) may distract children’s attention, leading to poor reading performances. This review also demonstrated the positive effects of children’s interactive reading apps on improving their learning outcomes and behavior. In addition, the results indicated that well-designed apps could promote children’s emerging literacy skills. However, more in-depth studies will be required in the future to provide designers with a well-defined guideline for designing reading apps for children.
Keywords: emergent literacy, interactive, application, systematic review
Research Article
Kulthida Tuamsuk, Lan Thi Nguyen, Issara Kanjug, Grichawat Lowatcharin, Teeradej Manakul, Kornwipa Poonpon, Weerachai Sarakorn, Anucha Somabut, Niwat Srisawasdi, Saksuriya Traiyarach
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article No: ep408
This study aimed to investigate the success factors for transforming classrooms into learning communities in digital learning ecosystem (DLE) of Thailand’s secondary schools. Quantitative research was conducted by using a questionnaire as the research instrument to measure teachers’ evaluation of factors. Purposive sampling was applied to obtain a sample group of secondary schools. The questionnaires were sent to teachers at secondary schools in 20 provinces in Northeast Thailand that were employing the smart learning project for their teaching and learning. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. The results revealed that learning support technologies, teachers, and learners were the three most important factors influencing the development of DLE (x =4.64, x =4.61, and x =4.49, respectively). The findings of this study have implications for educators, administrators, and teachers to review and discover appropriate ways to invest the necessary conditions that can enhance the quality of DLEs and improve teaching and learning activities in the digital environment at secondary schools.
Keywords: success factors, learning community, digital learning ecosystem, secondary schools, Thailand
Research Article
Maha Ismail Alkhawaja, Mutia Sobihah Abd Halim, Mohanad S. S. Abumandil, Ahmed Samed Al-Adwan
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 2, Article No: ep350
This study explores the mechanism through which system quality influences e-learning system acceptance. Precisely, this study aims to examine how perceived usefulness and intention to use serially mediate the impact of system quality on actual use. The data were collected from three public universities in Jordan. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine 336 questionnaires. The findings reveal that system quality significantly affects perceived usefulness and intention to use, perceived usefulness significantly affects intention to use and actual use, where the intention to use significantly affects actual use of the e-learning system as well. Furthermore, the study also confirms that system quality does not affect the e-learning system actual use directly but indirectly and serially through the two acceptance variables, perceived usefulness and intention to use. Thus, this study improves the understanding of student’s acceptance and behavior towards the e-learning system in Jordan public universities and the effect of system quality attributes on this relationship. Also, this study set certain directions for the decision-makers and university management in designing their strategies.
Keywords: actual use, e-learning system, intention to use, perceived usefulness, serial mediators, system quality
Review Article
Malek Turki Jdaitawi, Ashraf F Kan'an
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 1, Article No: ep332
In higher education settings, students are required to use their own devices to record attendance interact with classes through online systems and other learning-teaching sources such as timetables, virtual learning environment. Real opportunity to use digital technology such as augmented reality AR technology have been used in several fields, uncovering diverse benefits regarding its usage. However, further research is needed to understand exactly how the AR enhance students learning. Focusing on individuals with special needs, AR is being used in higher education for the last few years to enhance physical, cognitive, personal, and social abilities. This systematic review presented an overview of the usage of AR technology in the special needs area in higher education literature published between 2011 and 2020 and focused on research indexed in 8 international databases. 36 studies were included for review. The results indicate that the majority of research showed positive outcomes as the AR technology proved to be effective with students with disabilities. The results also showed that AR technology was mostly used in intellectual disability setting. Finally, the result evidenced that AR assists students in enhancing their social skills, social relationships and their engagement. The results from this systematic review provide valuable information regarding to enhance individual with special needs. Future empirical research should ensure that all research is included, including settings, level of students and data collection methods such as quantitative and qualitative.
Keywords: special needs, disability, augmented reality, systematic review
Research Article
Daniel Otto, Nadine Schroeder, Daniel Diekmann, Pia Sander
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 13, Issue 4, Article No: ep325
For almost 20 years, Open Educational Resources (OER) are an integral part of the debate about the digitisation of education. However, the empirical landscape of OER research is vivid and largely obscure. This article reviews the state of international empirical research on OER to reveal trends and gaps and, in this manner, identify possible desiderata for further research. We use a systematic mapping approach to examine the empirical English-speaking research landscape from 2015 to 2019. The results reveal that research primarily concentrates on the higher education sector while only a few studies are available for the school and other educational sectors. In terms of research methodologies, quantitative approaches are prevalent, with most of them being survey-based. The main research interests of the empirical studies lie in the perception of OER and the barriers to their use in educational practices. Open textbooks as a form of OER and their comparative cost advantages or qualitative comparability with traditional educational material constitute an emerging research field that is almost exclusively located in the U.S. Research gaps exist regarding the usability and user-friendliness of OER repositories. Addressing these gaps could support the numerous initiatives in different countries to establish and equip repositories. Additional gaps for empirical research were identified regarding the effects of the use of OER on pedagogical approaches and established educational practices.
Keywords: Open Educational Resources, OER, systematic mapping, empirical research, review
Research Article
Sri Gunawan, Chich-Jen Shieh
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 12, Issue 2, Article No: ep279
Learning area integrated teaching, teaching unit topics and the contents of various subjects with team teaching and cooperative learning to have students learn better integrated concepts, is emphasized domestically. Nevertheless, it is discovered that subject-specific teaching is still used in living technology teaching area. The integration and application of knowledge content learned in classes could enhance the problem solving opportunity.
To effectively achieve research objectives and test research hypotheses, nonequivalent test experimental design is applied to the experimental research in this study. Aiming at 312 business school students of Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR), Indonesia, as the experimental objects, the research results are summarized as below. 1. STEM curriculum integration model presents significant effects on learning effect. 2. STEM curriculum integration model shows remarkable effects on learning gain. 3. Living technology teaching reveals notable effects on learning effect. 4. Living technology teaching appears significant effects on learning gain. 5. STEM curriculum integration model integrated living technology teaching presents remarkable effects on learning effect. 6. STEM curriculum integration model integrated living technology teaching shows notable effects on the promotion of learning gain. According to the results to propose suggestions, it is expected to have students analyze problems from more aspects and develop diverse solving strategies to effectively enhance living technology learning effectiveness.
Keywords: STEM curriculum, living technology teaching, business school, learning effectiveness
Research Article
Emmanuel Fokides, Aikaterini Mastrokoukou
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 154-170
The paper presents the results from a study which examined whether tablets together with a mobile application with augmented reality features can help students to better understand the functions of the respiratory and the circulatory system. The target group was 75 sixth-grade primary school students, divided into three groups. The first group was taught conventionally; students studied using a printed handbook. In the second, a constructivist teaching model was used, but the instruction was not technologically enhanced. The third group of students used tablets and an application, and the teaching was based on a slightly modified version of Bybee's 5Es model. All three groups of students worked in pairs, they were taught the same learning material, and the teacher acted as a facilitator of the process. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and evaluation sheets. Results indicated that students in the third group outperformed students in the other two groups. The results can be attributed to students' enjoyment, motivation, and positive attitude towards the use of tablets as well as to the teaching method. The study's implications are also discussed.
Keywords: Augmented reality, Circulatory system, Mobile applications, Tablet computers
Research Article
Kevin Smith
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 111-130
Adaptive learning programs are frequently used in the K-8 mathematics classroom. These programs provide instruction to students at the appropriate level of difficulty by presenting content, providing feedback, and allowing students to master skills before progressing. The purpose of the study was to seek to interpret how preservice teachers’ experiences influence their perceptions and plans to integrate adaptive learning programs in their future K-8 mathematics classroom. This was a qualitative study with 17 participants who were enrolled in an undergraduate teacher education program. Data was collected and analyzed from archived journals the participants completed as a part of their K-8 Math Methods course, a survey, and semi-structured interviews. The findings from this study indicate that the participating preservice teachers perceive adaptive learning programs to be beneficial for students, and they recognize they have many decisions to make regarding what adaptive learning programs are used and how they are integrated into the classroom. The study also found that the instruction the preservice teachers received in their K-8 Math Methods course played a critical role in making them aware of the features available and myriad of options available in adaptive learning programs.
Keywords: Preservice teacher education, Mathematics education, Adaptive learning systems, Perceptions for technology
Research Article
Julia S. Fuller, Kara M. Dawson
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp. 370-389
In this article we share how a district-level technology integration specialist used literature on implementing student response systems (SRS) for formative assessment, based on Desimone’s (2009) core features of professional development design, Guskey’s Levels of Professional Development Evaluation (1998, 2000, 2002), and Danielson’s Observation Cycle (2007), to support 12 middle school teachers in using SRS in their classrooms. The work reported here provides an example of incorporating literature-based best practices to support teachers in effectively using technology in the classroom. The findings of this study indicate that the teachers learned to use the SRS technology and associated strategies to collect formative data and appropriately adjust instruction to meet learners’ needs. This work has implications for SRS in K-12 classrooms, technology integration professional development, and for preservice teacher education.
Keywords: Student response systems, Professional development
Research Article
Donggil Song
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 176-190
Learning-by-teaching has been identified as one of the more effective approaches to learning. Recently, educational researchers have investigated virtual environments in order to utilize the learning-by-teaching pedagogy. In a face-to-face learning-by-teaching situation, the role of the learners is to teach their peers or instructors. In virtual environments, learners take an active role by teaching a computer agent, which is referred to as Teachable Agent (TA). Although the current TA systems have shown their effectiveness on students’ learning, there are some challenges associated with learner-computer interaction methods. One of the most popular interaction methods between the learner and the system is a concept map approach. The learner teaches TA by creating information structures by drawing and editing their concept map. However, the learner can teach TA rather constrained topics, such as concept-related materials or causal effects. It is difficult for TA systems to be utilized in different types of learning along with concept-related areas. Therefore, new approaches or methods for communication between a human learner and TA systems are required. This project aims to suggest a virtual learning-by-teaching environment. A communication method (i.e., a symbol manipulation approach) was adopted in this system. The method facilitates the interaction between the learner and the computer agent, specifically for K-12 students’ mathematics learning. The design and development process is described, and future research areas are discussed.
Keywords: learning by teaching, teachable agent, pedagogical agent, intelligent system
Book Review
Olivia Nichole Ritter
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 99-102
This book’s value lies in the succinct provision of evidence that confounds simplistic views of the objectives and potential directions of STEM education. More importantly, this book elicits significant questions about how the proposed alternative conceptions of STEM may materialize. As an educator in a system dominated by high-stakes standardized testing, the authors’ perspectives concerning the importance of the intrinsic value of genuine learning and the aesthetics underlying the subjects of mathematics and science are refreshing and provide hope for potential change.
Keywords: STEM, science education, mathematics education, technology education
Research Article
Nuray Gedik
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 76-98
Instructional Technology is a field having approximately a century old past. From its initial
conceptualization to date, it has been in question in terms of its label, definition, and scope.
Parallel to international interest, Turkey has embraced IT as a field of study and practice.
This qualitative study aims to investigate the existing conceptions of experts on
Instructional Technology in Turkey and reveal the current status of the field from their
perspectives in terms of its definition, purpose, scope, and research approaches. The
experts were chosen from among Turkish academics having a PhD degree in the field. The
results showed that diverse definitions were made with an interchangeable use of the labels
“Educational Technology” and “Instructional Technology”. The emphasis for the purpose
was on “how to” best support/facilitate/enhance/improve instruction and learning in a
broad scope. The experts found gaps on the methodological aspects of existing studies. The
results showed that there existed a dilemma between the conception of what IT should be
and the practical use of what it really is. There were both common concerns with other
countries and concerns unique to Turkey. The main challenges were discussed for further
Keywords: instructional technology, educational technology, instructional design, instructional systems design, conceptualizations of instructional technology
Research Article
Chokri Barhoumi, Pier Giuseppe Rossi
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 281-308
The use of hypertext systems for learning and teaching complex and ill-structured domain of knowledge has been attracting attention in design of instruction. In this context, an experimental research has been conducted to explore the effectiveness of instructional design oriented hypertext systems. Cognitive flexibility hypertext theory is compared to direct instruction course design without hypertext systems for teaching and learning Flash online course in e-learning environment. Researchers used an experimental approach conducted in the academic year 2010 with independent sample of students of an experimental group (73 students) compared to a control group (73 students) from a university class. The results show the effectiveness of the hypertext systems course design compared to direct online course design. Indeed, the results of cognitive performance have demonstrated that the average time to answer achievement tests is lower for flexible instruction compared to average time for direct instruction. The number of students’ accesses to learning resources in the e-learning platform is higher in case of flexible instruction compared to direct instruction. Results of the experimentation also demonstrate that there are significant differences between the experimental group and the control group, regarding the attitudes of students toward using flexible online course design based cognitive flexibility hypertext theory and direct online course design.
Keywords: E-learning, Online teaching, Flexible online course design, Direct online course design, Cognitive flexibility, Hypertext systems
Research Article
Nuri Kara, Nese Sevim
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 108-120
Since 1950s, teaching machines have changed a lot. Today, we have different ideas about how people learn, what instructor should do to help students during their learning process. We have adaptive learning technologies that can create much more student oriented learning environments. The purpose of this article is to present these changes and its effects on learning environment. First, after explaining the concepts of teaching machines and adaptive learning systems including their main features as well as integral components, similarities and differences between these technologies are discussed briefly. Then, following the discussion on weaknesses and strengths of adaptive learning systems, what instructional designers should consider in developing and using them are mentioned.
Keywords: Adaptive learning, Adaptive learning systems, Teaching machines, Instructional design, Instructional technology
Research Article
Keith E. Nelson, Aran Barlieb, Kiren Khan, Elisabeth M. Vance Trup, Mikael Heimann, Tomas Tjus, Mary Rudner, Jerker Ronnberg
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 184-200
How individual differences in information processing affect second language (L2) learning has been unclear in prior research. Adults lacking prior skill in Swedish were pretested for working memory, processing speed, and executive memory capacity. Participants then received 6 computer-based instructional sessions with pictorial animations of Swedish sentences, with a built-in experimental contrast between some lessons at high and some at low rates of presentation. The faster rate carried greater processing demands for the learners. Higher levels of Swedish performance during Instructional sessions were associated with higher working memory levels, as expected from widely-used models of working memory (e.g., Baddeley & Hitch, 1994). In contrast, results at demanding long-term retrieval on a posttest were more complex and revealed several dynamic relationships between processing speed, working memory, and Swedish language learning. Learners with low rather than high working memory showed higher L2 skills at long-term testing when instructional lessons had employed fast animations. This first-time demonstration that prior cognitive profiles strongly influence learners’ progress in second language requires refinements in existing theories. Further, the results hold certain implications for tailoring second language teaching on-line or in other technology-based instruction to learner profiles on abilities in working memory, processing speed, and executive memory
Keywords: Educational technology, Software, Designing learner-sensitive procedures, Computer-assisted learning, Second language acquisition, Dynamic systems
Research Article
S. Arulchelvan
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 1-16
Technologies are available for education in various forms now. One primary task involves determining how best to utilize available technology resources to enhance student learning. Electronic Learning Management System (E-LMS) is one the important strategy for learning. It has the ability to document the academic performance of the individual student. This is highly useful in managing all type of academic and other activities of students by institutions. This study aimed to know the facts and effectiveness of E-LMS among the school students. Survey, comparative analysis and Interview methods were used in this study. Major findings from the study are: E-LMS is significantly influence the students and teachers. The absenteeism ratio has declined. This in turn reflected in the academic performance of the students since they have no other option than sustaining with the learning activities. Overall performance of a student is also significantly increased. The effectiveness of E-LMS may be improved from the points of reporting in regional languages when exist, Web-based reporting, and Interactive communication. Because the system has positive impact among the students, this will prove very effective when implemented in large scale in India.
Keywords: Learning management system, LMS, Electronic learning management system, ELMS, E-Learning, ICT in education
Research Article
Sinem Aslan, Yeol Huh, Dabae Lee, Charles M. Reigeluth
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 95-117
Aslan and Reigeluth (2011) described a possible future period of educational computing as a “Personalized Computing Period” (p. 12). They described a potential educational technology system, PIES (Personalized Integrated Educational System), to support student learning in this period of educational computing, based on the major and secondary functions proposed by Reigeluth, Watson, Watson, Dutta, Chen, and Powell (2008) for the information-age paradigm of education. Major functions include record keeping for, planning for, instruction for, and assessment for/of student learning. Secondary functions include communication, general student data, school personnel information, and technology administration. In this qualitative research study, seven classroom teachers and one technology coordinator from three high schools were interviewed to reveal how they used their current technology systems with respect to the functions described by Reigeluth et al. (2008). The results revealed that there were discrepancies between the participants’ current use of the systems and the ideal use for the information-age paradigm of education. Based on the results, recommendations are offered to teachers, policy makers and technology system designers for better meeting students’ information-age educational needs.
Keywords: Information-age learning paradigm, Personalized integrated educational system (PIES), Learning management system (LMS), Functions of technology
Research Article
Nuray Parlak Yilmaz
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 37-54
Twenty-six years have passed since computers entered the Turkish Education System. Studies regarding the evaluation of the integration process reveal that the technology use has not yet been reflected into classroom activities sufficiently. This article aims to evaluate studies conducted from the beginning of the process to determine problems with regard to the integration process, especially by focusing on the elementary education. The article carefully examined the relevant literature, short-term action plans, circulars, regulations, project documents, and research studies. It appears that all the investments and projects carried out so far regarding the generalization of the use of ICT in education have remained mostly at macro level. More concrete policies and practices taking all the dimensions into consideration were put into practice only in the last period of the technology integration process. There are still problems at present situation particularly in the dimensions of infrastructure, teacher education, instructional materials, and software. Micro-level studies, which are carried out at the level of individual school, should be supported. Then, there will be better chances to convert the results of studies into policies for effective reform.
Keywords: Technology integration, Educational reform, K-8, Turkish education system
Research Article
Sinem Aslan, Charles M. Reigeluth
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 2, Issue 1, pp. 1-17
Although machine use in education was introduced in the 1920s with instructional radio and 1950s with instructional television, these technologies lacked one of the most important components of learning - interaction. Computers have filled this void. The functions they have served, the ways they have been used, and the terms they have been given have changed since their introduction to our schools, but their rooted presence in our educational lives has continually increased over time. Our in-depth review of the literature illustrated that there are three distinct periods of educational computing based on the predominant computer technologies and computer functions of the time. We named these three periods the "Mainframe Period", "Microcomputer Period", and "Internet Period". Taking the past and current trends into account and considering such shifts in society as moving from standardization to customization and personalization, from proprietary resources to open resources and from using different tools for different functions to convergence of functionalities in one tool. We propose the next period, which we call the "Personalized Computing Period", in which the predominant computer technology will be "Personalized Integrated Educational Systems" that serve four major functions to support the information-age paradigm of education: Record-keeping, planning, instruction, and assessment, as well as such secondary functions as communication, general student data, school personnel information and system administration.
Keywords: History of educational computing, Information-age paradigm, Personalized Integrated Educational System, Social networking
Research Article
Zengguan Chen, Charles M. Reigeluth
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp. 233-254
Fundamental change, or systemic transformation, in public school systems is increasingly recognized as essential for best meeting all students’ needs in a digital, information-based society. The success of this kind of change depends to a large extent on the effectiveness of a district-wide Leadership Team (LT), which in turn depends on the communication practices of that team. This study describes the communication practices of the LT in a district-wide systemic transformation, focusing on the members’ values and beliefs about communication within the team, communication problems, communication channels, and communication sources. The purpose of the study was to improve the guidance offered by the School System Transformation (SST) protocol, a knowledge-base about the systemic transformation process, by identifying preventive measures that could reduce communication problems in a LT. Based on the findings, suggestions are made to improve several of the 18 continuous processes in the SST Protocol, namely sustain motivation, develop and maintain appropriate leadership, develop group-process and team-building skills, establish team spirit, engage in reflection, communicate with stakeholders, and foster organizational learning.
Keywords: Systemic transformation, Change process, Leadership team, Communication
Research Article
Roberto Joseph, Charles M. Reigeluth
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 97-117
This paper provides a conceptual framework for a systemic change process, both to help researchers advance knowledge about how school districts can engage in paradigm change, and to help educators and policy makers understand the big picture for such change. The conceptual framework is comprised of key ideas that have emerged from the authors’ experiences in facilitating change in school districts, and from a review of the educational change literature. The authors first present an argument for the need for systemic change. They then present the conceptual framework, which is comprised of six elements that are important for any systemic change process to succeed: broad stakeholder ownership, learning organization, understanding the systemic change process, evolving mindsets about education, systems view of education, and systems design. The description of each element includes suggested activities for implementation. Finally, the authors recommend that policy makers address each of the elements within the framework, and that educators and scholars explore how the interrelationships and interdependencies of the elements can lead to successful educational reform.
Keywords: Systemic Change, Educational Change, Educational Reform, Conceptual Framework, Change Process