Research Article
Amina Bashir, Aamir Aziz, Muhammad Imran, Norah Almusharraf
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 2, Article No: ep568
With technological advancement, multimodality has received paramount importance in teaching and learning. Different technology-based assistance is available nowadays, and computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is one of them. It uses computer-based tools, materials, resources, and information to assist second language learning. Motivation keeps learners focused and persistent, making them more willing to communicate in a second language. This quantitative study unearths how the use of multimodal pedagogical resources motivates language learners and promotes their willingness to communicate (WTC). For this purpose, data is collected from the English language learners of three semesters from the department of English, University of Sahiwal. From the 3rd, 5th, and 7th semesters, the data is collected using Google Forms, and a five-point Likert scale questionnaire is utilized as the research instrument. The responses are analyzed descriptively using SPSS 29. The validity and reliability analysis of the questionnaire is also done to check the quality and strength of the instrument utilized. Inferential Statistical Analysis is done by using two non-parametric tests, the Mann-Whitney U Test and Kruskal-Wallis H test. From the responses received and the descriptive analysis, it is observed that the use of multimodal pedagogies motivates the learners and makes them more willing to communicate in the target language not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom.
Keywords: CALL, motivation, WTC, multimodal pedagogy, multimodality
Research Article
Mutlu Şen Akbulut, Janette R. Hill
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 12, Issue 2, Article No: ep287
The use of cases has been promoted as a promising instructional method for creating authentic learning environments. However, the development and implementation of the best instructional strategies for effective use of cases still require further research. This paper addresses some of these gaps by proposing an emergent instructional model to be grounded in constructivism and current instructional models for case-based pedagogy. The model was implemented in a science methods course for elementary education prospective teachers. The participants engaged in several activities for four cases such as participating in online and classroom discussions and writing reflection papers. In this paper, first, we will present the connection between the pedagogy and teacher education; second, we will introduce the theoretical framework with implications for the instructional model; then, we will present some examples of learning experiences that should be included in a constructivist case-based learning environment with the proposed instructional model. Lastly, we will present findings from a study wherein the proposed model was applied to support prospective teachers’ socioscientific issue-based teaching and learning, and discuss implications for research and practice.
Keywords: case-based pedagogy, teacher education, instructional model
Research Article
Victoria V. Iskru, John Schulz
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 12, Issue 2, Article No: ep276
Purpose of the study: The object of this paper is to explore the literature in order to discover on what conditions a video-mediated form of instruction can be a learning instrument, the one that enhances teaching, increases the potential of improving learners’ performance and leads to a change in students’ knowledge and behaviours. Methodology: This exploration is literature based and involves a critical discussion of articles on video-based instruction and video pedagogies. Main findings: Video-based forms of teaching and learning are steadily gaining popularity in the classroom and beyond and are supported by a growing body of academic and professional literature. However, while the pedagogical use of video within a lesson has been explored, what is missing is a focus on the pedagogy within the video – the pedagogical style or design of the video that leads to learning – the transformation of information. Applications of this study: Research involving university students suggests that students conceive of video as an important element of their learning process and they will often choose to use videos for support and clarification rather than any other form of digital instruction. The conducted analysis of the research subject will eliminate concerns of instructional designers over the video design and help employ video more consciously and efficiently. Novelty/Originality of this study: In the last decade, the majority of the literature focusing on creating video for learning purposes adopt a transmission of knowledge approach. Thus, the authors focus on a list of characteristics that will facilitate the transmission of content. Few of the articles focus on learning per se. This paper discusses the results of our review of the literature that support the transmission styles of learning, the “hygiene” principles and then it explores the literature to identify the elements that enable a more transformative learning pedagogy for video.
Keywords: video-based instruction, instructional methodology, learning videos, pedagogy, formal learning, digital elements, streaming technology
Research Article
Aras Bozkurt, Murat Ataizi
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 155-168
English is one of the most spoken languages in the world and widely accepted as a foreign language in many parts of the world. However, though there has been a high demand for English as a foreign language in the 21st century, it has still been taught or learned through traditional methods and conventional pedagogical approaches. In the digital age, learner characteristics, learning environments, and learner needs have significantly changed and new pedagogical approaches or learning systems have emerged as a natural result of the paradigm shift. In this article, these changes were explained and suggestions were made for foreign language learning and acquisition based on the networked learning and the connectivist approach to learning.
Keywords: English as a foreign language, EFL, Web 2.0, Connectivism, Network based learning, New pedagogy
Research Article
Barton K. Pursel, Hui Xie
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 96-109
As social and collaborative technologies emerge, educators and scholars continue to explore and experiment with how these tools might impact pedagogy. For over a decade, educators experimented with the use of blogs in academic settings, a tool that allows for students and instructors to enter into a rich dialogue. With most technology tools, users often leave ‘digital footprints’ throughout the environment. These footprints, in combination with other sources of data, allow researchers to explore relationships between the tool itself and the different types of end users. This study examines two years of institutional blog data, combined with demographic data to help describe the users of a blog platform. Different clusters of users are uncovered, and various use cases are explored, illustrating how different instructors choose to leverage blogs in the flow of a course. Using analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare different blogging groups, results show a strong correlation between entry-dominant bloggers and growth in Grade Point Average (GPA) over time. With the rise in popularity of learning analytics, the results of this study might influence future learning analytics tools and systems
Keywords: Blogs, Weblogs, Learning analytics, Online pedagogy