e-ISSN: 1309-517X
English 2.0: Learning and Acquisition of English in the Networked Globe with Connectivist Approach

Aras Bozkurt 1, Murat Ataizi 1 *

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 155-168

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English is one of the most spoken languages in the world and widely accepted as a foreign language in many parts of the world. However, though there has been a high demand for English as a foreign language in the 21st century, it has still been taught or learned through traditional methods and conventional pedagogical approaches. In the digital age, learner characteristics, learning environments, and learner needs have significantly changed and new pedagogical approaches or learning systems have emerged as a natural result of the paradigm shift. In this article, these changes were explained and suggestions were made for foreign language learning and acquisition based on the networked learning and the connectivist approach to learning.



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