Review Article
María de los Ángeles Domínguez-González, Antonio Luque de la Rosa, Carlos Hervás-Gómez, Pedro Román-Graván
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 2, Article No: ep577
Constant teacher training and up-dating is fundamental to provide quality teaching and learning. Digital competences are among the skills that teachers must acquire in order to improve the teaching and learning processes. The aim of the present study was to review the scientific production of the last five years regarding teacher digital competence (TDC). To this end, the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses methodology was used, performing research in two relevant databases: Scopus and Web of Science. A total of 19 articles that met the pre-established criteria were ultimately selected and analyzed. The thorough analysis of the documents was conducted with ATLAS.ti software. To analyze the co-occurrence of keywords, VOSviewer was employed. The main results show that scientific production is increasing, and studies are mostly focused on exploring the level of TDC, which is usually low. The samples of the studies are mainly composed of secondary education teachers. This review concludes by highlighting the need to develop training programs for the improvement of TDC and to carry out further studies in this research line.
Keywords: teacher digital competence, education, ICT, innovation, teacher training
Research Article
Marta Montenegro Rueda, José Fernández Cerero, Daniel Fernández Cerero, Eloy López Meneses
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 4, Article No: ep525
Online learning in higher education has established itself as a key educational strategy that transforms the teaching and learning process in universities. In this context, it is crucial to examine the different effects that this method can generate in order to identify both the opportunities and challenges that teachers face when adopting this modality. The aim of this research is to analyse the perspectives of online learning, focusing on the advantages and challenges it presents in higher education. The information was collected through semi-structured interviews with 47 teachers from the University of Cadiz and the University of Seville. The analysis of the data obtained highlights the benefits that online learning offers, such as flexibility and accessibility, as well as the difficulties related to technical problems and access to technology. The results underline the significant opportunities that online learning offers to improve the educational process, provided that the necessary teacher support and training is available. This study also provides valuable recommendations to guide future teachers and researchers in the effective integration of this method in higher education.
Keywords: online learning, higher education, digital learning, impact, educational innovation
Research Article
Leonardo David Glasserman-Morales, Carolina Alcantar-Nieblas, Marcela Inés Sisto
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 16, Issue 2, Article No: ep498
Nowadays, digital competencies encompass skills and attitudes with technical, informational, content, media, and communication aspects that are crucial for students and future professionals. Hence, there is a need to investigate the possible correlations between demographic and contextual variables and the development of digital competencies in higher education. This paper reports on several university-student demographic factors associated with digital competencies. The work used a quantitative approach with descriptive statistical techniques such as a means test and Pearson correlation analysis. The findings identified that (a) there are statistically significant differences between the mean obtained in the previous semester in digital competencies and the gender of the students, (b) there are no statistically significant differences in the final mean for digital competencies and the students’ institution of origin, and (c) the variables included in the study are statistically significant. They also found that the mean attained by the university students in the previous semester had a strong predictive power of student performance; in contrast, the student’s high school institution of origin variable was a weak predictor of their digital competency. This paper presents the findings and implications for practice and research.
Keywords: digital competencies, higher education, educational innovation, demographic factors, school factors, educational technology
Research Article
Carlos Enrique George-Reyes, Edgar Omar López-Caudana, Maria Soledad Ramírez-Montoya
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep478
Research competencies are skills that university students must develop to create and socialize scientific products during their academic live. In this research, an experience was implemented to improve the students’ competency levels through its imbrication with complex thinking and the use of Education 4.0 applications, such as remote team workflow development apps, web-based virtual reality, and social robotics. The study was sequential-quantitative and descriptive. A questionnaire was applied before and after the experience to know the perception of 105 Mexican university students, later a rubric was implemented for the teacher’s assessment. The results indicate that the students perceived an improvement in their research skills, however, the evaluation showed a difference between the student’s perception and the teacher’s regarding improvement in said skills. The experience can be scaled to other scenarios, where disruptive teaching strategies can support research skills development.
Keywords: higher education, Education 4.0, research, educational innovation, complex thinking
Review Article
Azeneth Patiño, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya, Gerardo Ibarra-Vazquez
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 4, Article No: ep447
Complex thinking is a desired competency in 21st-century university students, so technology-based teaching and learning strategies must be carefully considered when training them in complex reasoning skills. This systematic review aims to map research on the use of teaching and learning strategies supported by technology to enhance complex thinking skills in university students. This review reports results according to PRISMA (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses) guidelines. The search strategy was performed in June 2022 in Scopus and Web of Science databases. Of 151 records initially identified between 2018 and 2022, 32 papers were included in the final synthesis per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of this review indicate that (1) tech-based strategies for complex thinking development are based on active learning approaches including problem-based learning, case-based learning, collaboration-driven and discussion-based learning, project-based learning, assessment- and feedback-oriented activities, and mind mapping techniques; (2) most of the documented strategies were implemented in hybrid contexts; (3) traditional instructional materials commonly used for promoting higher order thinking skills such as reading assignments, videos, and eliciting/reflexive questions are still effective in fostering complex thinking when delivered through technology; and (4) custom-built technological development for complex thinking development software that incorporates emerging technologies is scarce at present. Further research is needed to document the interventions that train students interactively in complex thinking skills using Education 4.0 technologies.
Keywords: complex thinking, higher education, educational technology, educational innovation, Education 4.0
Research Article
Katherina Gallardo, Leonardo Glasserman, Nohemi Rivera, Lizette Martínez-Cardiel
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article No: ep415
A mixed-method study about the perception of students and faculty around learning assessment practices was conducted in a multicampus competency-based approached Mexican private university. The objective was getting new knowledge about higher education community perception around learning assessment practices, learning outcomes production and how authentic assessment was driven while working on different modalities during the pandemic: remote learning, synchronous hybrid learning, alternate hybrid learning, and on-site modality. A questionnaire, and an interview for faculty and focus groups for students were designed, validated, and conducted. A total of 281 faculty and 908 students participated in this study. The main quantitative results indicate that students who took on-site classes evaluate the variables better than those who took hybrid classes. In addition, students who took remote classes evaluate the authenticity variable better than those who took it in alternate hybrid modality. In the case of the faculty, only the equality variable showed significant differences between the reported modalities. Besides, the main qualitative results indicate that perceptions are quite different between faculty and students while getting their perceptions from an evaluation standards scope. Thus, their perspectives around equality, authenticity, feasibility, reliability and ethics were obtained and discussed against literature. The main conclusions of the study remarked that students and faculty were positive towards most of the execution of learning assessment and learning outcomes practices during the pandemic. Nevertheless, students’ preference of on-site modality was determined as the way they have more opportunities for interacting and learning more from assessment and feedback.
Keywords: innovation in education, competency-based education, higher education, learning outcomes, performance assessment
Research Article
Gema Sánchez Medero, Gema Pastor Albaladejo, Pilar Mairal Medina, María José García Solana
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 4, Article No: ep393
A number of university educators decided to implement an experience “pilot”: the co-creation of a blog with students in which they disseminated some topics of the subject “Spanish political system”, taken as part of a joint honors degree in law and political science from the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology of the Complutense University of Madrid. Four professors and 42 students participated in this experience. In the first phase, the students, under the supervision of the professors, collaboratively developed each of the assigned topics. To do so, the professors explained the dynamics, provided them with a series of resources, trained them in collaborative work techniques, supervised the whole process, and resolved all their doubts. In a second phase, they jointly evaluated one subject to see the possible deviations that had occurred with respect to the initial model, in order to be able to correct them in the rest. In addition, the professors conducted a student survey to measure teamwork and the impact of the blog, the results of which were shared with the participants and at specialized conferences. Thanks, this pilot program has shown that blogging is an important technological tool for the transformation and improvement of teaching and learning processes, and that it encourages the active role of students and promotes their collaborative learning, generating knowledge with and for students.
Keywords: university innovation, blogging, co-creation, collaborative learning
Research Article
José Manuel García-Vandewalle García, Marina García-Carmona, Juan Manuel Trujillo Torres, Pablo Moya-Fernández
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 1, Article No: ep330
Digital competence has become a new type of literacy that significantly impacts on people’s lives, as it is paramount to their social and occupational integration. In educational institutions, teachers play a major role in developing the digital skills of their students. This study aims to determine the key elements of teacher training in the use of innovative technologies and methodologies with a view to providing alternatives to improve the educational process. The objective is to overcome deficiencies in the training of teachers in new technologies and innovative methodologies. A qualitative study based on interview data is used in two phases. For the first phase research, semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight international education experts from various fields on how best to train teachers. The second phase research involved a text mining analysis of the interview transcripts based on sentiment analysis and word counts using the advanced R statistical programming language. The second phase research was conducted using the R statistical programming language. The interview transcripts were analysed using sentiment analysis and a word cloud. The results reveal that teacher education should be practice-focused and supervised by senior teachers with the aid of students and heads of schools. Moreover, standards should be set to monitor the digital competence of teachers, who should be trained on an ongoing basis to keep them up to date in the use of digital technologies.
Keywords: teacher education, teacher training, educational technology, educational innovation, pre-service education
Research Article
Chooi Yi Wei, Yoke Chin Kuah, Chee Pung Ng, Wai Kwan Lau
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 13, Issue 3, Article No: ep303
The rapid technological development and revolution have transformed the education field, promoting the betterment of learning and teaching quality. Augmented Reality (AR) is becoming increasingly popular for its ability to help educators to create an engaging and creative method of teaching. The increasing use of technology has piqued researchers’ interests in studying its efficiency. Following this observation, this study aims to explore educators’ readiness in embracing AR as an enhancement teaching tool in the future. This study employed a quantitative methodology and collected 223 respondents’ data from five private universities in Malaysia. The data was analysed using the Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) software. The results demonstrated that there were significant relationships between educators’ innovation towards the intention to adopt AR moderated by perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEU). This study provides some insightful AR applications in the education industry, which is in line with the Industrial Revolution 4.0 theme. It successfully identifies the importance of motivating educators and students in embracing AR as an enhancement learning tool, providing a valuable discussion for the government, learning institutions, and educators on the implementation of AR in Malaysia.
Keywords: augmented reality, educator innovation, technology acceptance model, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness
Research Article
Saifuddin Khalid, Kamrul Islam, Tom Nyvang
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 263-280
In a rural context in a developing country purchasing a computer and connecting it to the Internet is in itself difficult, even when the lack of money is a minor issue. These issues prevent individuals in rural communities from familiarizing themselves with educational technology and ICT in general. The present study investigates the specific barriers to buying and utilizing ICT and ways in which these barriers can be overcome in a case study involving stakeholders from an educational institution in rural Bangladesh. Through a transformative methodology and a phenomenographic approach to the analysis (Larsson & Holmström, 2007), interview data on the decision-making experience of computer purchases, and the after-purchase experience of learning computer-related skills, the integration of the technology and the skills in interviewees’ (students and teachers) learning environments is analyzed. The barriers to purchasing a computer fall in four major categories: Cultural, financial, infrastructural, and knowledge barriers; with knowledge transcending the other barriers. When addressing the barriers to facilitate purchase of a computer locally situated knowledge is crucial. The study concludes that more research is needed to fully understand the diffusion and development of knowledge and inclination to purchase a computer.
Keywords: Phenomenography, Educational technology, Barriers to technology, Diffusion of innovations, Promoting ICT, Training facilitation.
Research Article
Mustafa Jwaifell, Al-Mothana Gasaymeh
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 138-149
This study aimed to explain the use of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) by English female teachers in Modern Systems School in Jordan. Viewed from the lens of Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory, the study examined and reported teachers' use of IWB and its features that have impact on their decisions to adopt it in Modern Systems School . The study employed the qualitative case study approach. Data were collected through different ways such as semi-structured interviews, document reviews, and participatory observations. Rogers' (2003) diffusion of innovations theory was used to guide the investigation. The study concluded that the extent of teachers’ use of IWB is related to their perceptions of the five major attributes: Relative advantages, compatibility, simplicity, trialability, and observability. The regular use of IWB has shifted the teachers’ methodologies of teaching from traditional ways to using dialogues, open sources, and group work. The study finally recommended giving more attention to training workshops regarding how to integrate IWB into the educational process.
Keywords: Interactive white board, IWB, Diffusion of innovation theory, ICT tools, English teachers, Instructional technology.