Research Article
Adisti Yuliastrin, Rian Vebrianto, Mery Berlian, Musa Thahir
CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article No: ep420
The Open University is a university that has been around for a long time, so that it is able to develop a learning process that demands the development of science and technology, both online and offline independently. Therefore, this study aims to describe and analyze the process and results of the development of a virtual science laboratory to support UT’s role as a pioneer of cyber-university in Indonesia. This research is a development-research that uses the ADDIE model. The instruments used were validation sheets filled in by 64 validators, practicality sheets and effectiveness sheets filled out by 237 respondents. The data analysis used to answer the research objectives was descriptive and inferential statistical tests using the IBM SPSS 23.00 program. The results showed that product development in the form of textbooks based on the virtual laboratory of science met the valid, practical and effective criteria for use in the process learning. The results of this study have implications for stakeholders and teachers to be able to implement this media in a more appropriate and interesting learning process and can be a source of inspiration for conducting current research.
Keywords: developing media, virtual laboratory, science, ADDIE model