e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Visual-Form Learning Analytics: A Tool for Critical Reflection and Feedback

Kelly McKenna 1 * , Beth Pouska 1, Marcia C. Moraes 1, James E. Folkestad 1

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp. 214-228

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Accessible learning analytics available from the data within learning management systems, can assist with teaching and learning practices, but often this data is difficult to interpret. Learning analytics, specifically those presented in visual-form, can provide information that supports learners’ reflection and guides them to the necessary changes that lead to successful self-regulated learning. This research study utilized photo-elicitation methods to prompt learners’ reflections of their self-regulated retrieval practice activities, quiz-based learning opportunities, which were qualitatively analyzed. A tool, U-Behavior, was created which was designed to extract students attempt data on the retrieval practice activities which were presented to students as opportunities to study the course content rather than as evaluations of understanding. Upon completion of the retrieval practice activities, learners were presented with their personalized learning analytics in visual-form and prompted to reflect on their learning. Visual-form learning analytics create opportunities for feedback and critical reflection for both instructors and learners and improve student learning. Analysis of the visual-form learning analytics and corresponding reflections highlighted learners’ understanding of high-impact learning practices, the realization of intended study behaviors versus engrained behaviors, high score orientation, and a focus on comparisons.



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