e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Top 6 literacies in marketing education: State-of-the-art approach

Teodora Kiryakova-Dineva 1 * , Dilyana Yaneva 1

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 17, Issue 1, Article No: ep544

Submitted: 23 August 2024, Published Online: 21 November 2024

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To educate capable and literate citizens in the current digital age, high adequacy in all facets of education is required. One could argue that innovation necessitates educational needs and specific knowledge including general literacy for a more profiled human activity towards new emerging technological, digital and social standards. The way that teaching and learning are traditionally understood in relation to the idea of literacy is affected by this shift. The traditional conception of teaching and learning with regard to the idea of literacy is impacted by this remodeling as well. It becomes clear in this case that financial literacy, digital literacy, or economic literacy cannot be regarded as the only, best, or most appropriate kind.
With respect to the concept of literacy in marketing, the current study explores the educational requirements that stem from the broader definition of literacy. Utilizing a state-of-the-art approach and a mixed methodology, the authors explore the needs for specific literacies in marketing and search for a new model for their application in marketing itself. The focus is on how the students feel about needing a particular kind of literacy. Certain aspects of the literacies set and their requirements within the context of higher education institutions are related, according to the findings of a questionnaire survey. This study’s discussion attests to the intricacy and dynamic nature of education at the tertiary level and reveals the concept of literacy in its widest sense.



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