e-ISSN: 1309-517X
The Technological-Pedagogical Knowledge for In-Service Teachers in Primary Education: A Systematic Literature Review

Miguel Angel Paidican 1 * , Pamela Alejandra Arredondo 2

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 3, Article No: ep370

Submitted: 07 July 2020, Published Online: 26 February 2022

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This article presents the results of a scientific literature analysis based on Kitchenham’s (2004) proposal, regarding the technological-pedagogical knowledge of the content under the TPACK model. Research studies containing data-driven information in primary education were revised. The selection of the 622 articles was conducted in Scopus, WoS (Web of Science), ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center), and Google Scholar databases; considering the period from which this model was initially described to May 2019. The following criteria were also observed: open access sources, referring to social sciences, and full text available. To conclude, there is limited scientific production regarding TPACK model in primary education, with 3,05% of the articles reviewed in this systematic literature review. An increase in using the TPACK model in terms of teacher knowledge and enriched environments with information and communication technology has also been observed. Participation of other members of the school community as students, parents and managers is also recommended.



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