e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Technologies and Practices of Linguistic and Sociocultural Adaptation of Foreign Students during Their Studies at the University

Lera A. Kamalova 1 * , Makhabbat Zh. Umbetova 2, Narine S. Putulyan 1

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 13, Issue 1, Article No: ep288

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The aim of this work is to determine the most effective technologies and practices for the linguistic and sociocultural adaptation of foreign students studying in Russian and foreign universities, the use of which will help foreign students overcome barriers in academic performance, mastery of the Russian language, psychological and sociocultural adaptation in the host country. The fundamental basis of this study is the experimental work carried out at the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University, Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after Y. Altynsarin, St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics. Sociocultural and linguistic adaptation of foreign students is organized on the basis of an integrated approach, which is a combination of intercultural, humanistic, personality-oriented, activity-based approaches to learning. Education and training of foreign students should be organized on the basis of modern technologies and practices (authoring online simulators in Russian, interactive whiteboard, case method, brainstorming, role-playing game, discussion) contributes to effective language, socio-cultural adaptation of students. An effective tool to promote the sociocultural and linguistic adaptation of foreign students is a specially organized tolerant developing educational environment of the university, organized taking into account the specifics of social problems and the psychological state of migrants, contributing to the leveling of emerging problems of socio-cultural adaptation, the integration of foreign students in the host community. In this study, the most effective diagnostics were identified that affect the mechanisms of linguistic and sociocultural adaptation of foreign students studying in Russian and foreign universities: diagnostics of the level of social isolation of a person, determination of the level of depression, methods for determining sociocultural identity, adaptation of a person to a new sociocultural environment, methodology for determining level of knowledge of Russian as a foreign language. The scientific novelty of this study is to determine the most effective technologies and practices of linguistic and sociocultural adaptation of foreign students in the context of globalization and the Eurasian integration of sociocultural and educational space.



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