e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Students' Perceived Service Quality of Distance Learning Courses in a Dual-Mode Education System

Dursun Yener 1 *

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 4, Issue 1, pp. 50-65

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Distance learning (DL) has become an important part of university education. In the past DL was applied in different universities with different forms. With rapid technological developments, DL gained a new format through the Internet. Students can take courses online wherever they are geographically. Therefore, working people and adults can enroll higher education institutions without time and space barriers. Like many countries, Turkey adapted its education system to this new form. From 1980’s to recent years, this system has been applied through open education faculties in state universities. However as the number of foundation universities increase, DL became more common in various programs at different levels. Conventional universities use this system in some courses so students take both face-to-face and online courses together. Universities can use this system to use their scarce financial resources effectively with saving some costs and provides possibilities for sustainable advantage. In this paper, evaluation of students’, who are enrolled in a traditional university, about DL quality was analyzed using Grönross’ service quality model.



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