e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Retraction Notice for Effects of Augmented Reality in Teaching Old Turkish Language Mementoes on Student Achievement and Motivation

Nurullah Sahin 1 *, Mehmet Fatih Ozcan 2

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 12, Issue 1, Article No: ep266

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Retracted Article: Sahin, N., & Ozcan, M. F. (2019). Effects of Augmented Reality in Teaching Old Turkish Language Mementoes on Student Achievement and Motivation. Contemporary Educational Technology, 10(2), 198-213.


It has brought to the attention of the Editorial Office of Contemporary Educational Technology that the retracted article lacked several references which were included in in-text citations. Further communications revealed that the intensity and diversity of errors within the article were immense. The extent of these errors in article were beyond correction by an erratum and enough to raise significant questions about the credibility of the foundations of the article.

Hence, due to apparent violation of ethical practices, above mentioned article is retracted by the editor of Contemporary Educational Technology. We apologize to our readers that this case was not detected during pre-publication.


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