e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Plickers to support similarities learning: An experience on 7th grade Portuguese basic education

Paula Sofia Nunes 1 2 * , Paula Catarino 1 3 4, Paulo Martins 1 5, Maria Manuel Nascimento 1 4

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 3, Article No: ep436

Submitted: 01 July 2022, Published Online: 15 May 2023

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There are several educational software (ES) used in the classroom environment for the teaching and learning of geometric contents that are part of the Portuguese basic education mathematics program. There are studies that show that the use of this type of artifact has a fundamental role in the behavior of students, raising, among other aspects, a greater motivation for learning mathematics. The aim of this work is to explore and describe implications for the behavior and learning of students in the 7th grade of Portuguese basic education, in face of a pedagogical practice that involves carrying out tasks using ES Plickers, in the theme similarities of the domain geometry and measurement, throughout intervention carried out. The adopted methodology presents characteristics of a quasi-experimental study. The participants were 61 students from three classes of a school in the north of Portugal, followed during eight consecutive classes. A set of tasks using Plickers, tests and a questionnaire survey were used as instruments for data collection. The results point to positive increments, at a behavioral level, as well as in the evolution of learning, in view of the use of this methodology in the classroom.



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