e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Perspectives of Students on Acceptance of Tablets and Self-directed Learning with Technology

Sahin Gokcearslan 1 *

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 8, Issue 1, pp. 40-55

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Recent mobile learning technologies offer the opportunity for students to take charge of the learning process both inside and outside the classroom. One of these tools is the tablet PC (hereafter ‘tablet’). In parallel with increased access to e-content, the role of tablets in learning has recently begun to be examined. This study aims to reveal the relationship between the level of acceptance of tablets (TAM) and the level of selfdirected learning with technology (SDLT) of students and to differentiate these in terms of gender. A mixed method research design is used in this study. In addition, the qualitative part of the study aims to determine the reasons students have for using or not using tablets for supporting learning. The study group consisted of 414 high school students, involved in the pilot application group of the FATIH project in Turkey. According to the study, a significant positive relationship was determined between four of the variables of tablet acceptance and the SDLT level. While the degree of acceptance of tablets was different according to gender, the SDLT level was not.



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