e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Implications of Computational Thinking Knowledge Transfer for Developing Educational Interventions

Sandra Erika Gutiérrez-Núñez 1, Aixchel Cordero-Hidalgo 1, Javier Tarango 1 *

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 14, Issue 3, Article No: ep367

Submitted: 20 December 2021, Published Online: 26 February 2022

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This article analyzes the way in which educators and researchers have pronounced themselves for incorporating computer programming in the K-12 curricula (basic and secondary education), recognizing its cognitive benefits in those who practice it, which can be useful in contexts other than computing, by influencing the development of higher order thinking skills and problem solving, both concepts integrated in the so-called computational thinking (CT). The proposal includes the vision of various authors, who conclude that the transfer of cognitive programming skills does not happen correctly given the prevalence of educational interventions designed under the belief that it occurs as an automatic and spontaneous process. The structure of the article is made up of three fundamental aspects: (1) historical account of the definition of knowledge transfer (KT), its main theoretical and classificatory taxonomies; (2) integration of existing definitions on CT and the way in which the formulation of various study plans in different countries has resulted; and (3) the investigation of different challenges and implications present in the CT, as well as recommendations for its improvement, taking as a reference the results of experiments carried out in different academic fields, proposed in order to strengthen both the KT as well as the CT.



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