e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Computers in Reading and Writing Skills through the Motivational Lens: SnagitTM, Screencast and E-mail Services

Adnan Yilmaz 1 *

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 9, Issue 3, pp. 264-283

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The rapid and continuous developments in computer technologies underscores the need to investigate computers’ impact on students’ motivation in second/foreign language (L2) reading and writing skills. Given this need, the present empirical study aims to examine the effect of computers on students’ motivation in L2 reading and writing skills. 35 students studying in the English Language Teaching Program at a state university in Turkey were firstly given a motivation scale as a pretest. Then they went through a five-week treatment phase during which they carried out various reading and writing activities designed around two different authentic short stories (The Lottery and The Cask of Amontillado) by using three different computer programs, namely SnagitTM, Screencast, and e-mail services. Finally, they were again given the motivation scale to determine the change in their motivation level. The analysis of the data indicated a significant increase in student motivation in L2 reading and writing skills. The findings also indicated that the students’ frequency and experience of computer use had no significant influence on L2 reading and writing motivation.  Based on these findings, it can be inferred that computers have a positive effect on students’ motivation in L2 reading and writing skills.  



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