e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Competitive and Collaborative Approach Towards a More Effective Education in Computer Science

Tomas Cerny 1 *, Bozena Mannova 1

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 163-173

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To provide computer scientists with good materials and interesting topics in a class does not necessarily mean that their education is of a high quality, students need to be motivated and evolve skills needed in a real-life employment. Social skills, teamwork, collaboration and competition are valuable aspects they should know in other to become professionals. This paper presents a study with intention to improve education of computer science students in employment-like environments. The study utilizes experience with competitive and collaborative learning in education and Programming Olympiads. Multiple methodological aspects are applied and discussed with regard to students’ evaluation. The results show increased student motivation and interest in the course, which produces larger workload in the class.



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