e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Comparison of the efficacy between game-based learning and pamphlet on enhancing recognition of common cutaneous malignancies in Thai younger adults

Dichitchai Mettarikanon 1, Weeratian Tawanwongsri 2 * , Adisak Wanchai 3, Naparat Chookerd 4 5

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 2, Article No: ep419

Submitted: 07 January 2023, Published Online: 01 March 2023

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Cutaneous malignancy is one of the leading causes of cancer-related morbidities and mortalities. Patient self-screening is helpful for early detection. Among educational pedagogies, game-based learning (GBL) has received increasing attention in recent years. We appraised the effectiveness of GBL, using Wordwall, to enhance cognitive performances pertaining to fundamental knowledge of cutaneous malignancies and perspectives on the intervention compared with a digital pamphlet. This multi-center study utilized a quasi-experimental research design and was conducted between February and April 2022. Participants were recruited and randomly assigned into a game group and a pamphlet group with a 1:1 ratio. Fundamental knowledge of cutaneous malignancies was assessed with pre- and post-intervention tests consisting of ten multiple choice questions with four alternative answers. These tests asked about prominent or pathognomonic features of cutaneous malignancies. During the five-day intervention period, recognition scores of participants in the game group were recorded. Perspectives on the interventions were also collected for analysis. A total of 94 participants were included, 60 (63.8%) were female. The mean age was 19.8 years (standard deviation [SD]=0.8). The increase in knowledge scores of the participants in the game group and pamphlet group was 2.57 (SD=1.30) and 2.36 (SD=1.52), respectively. In the game group, the mean best recognition score (13.89, SD=2.83) was significantly higher than the mean first recognition score (9.53, SD=2.48) with a p-value <0.001. The overall satisfaction among the participants in the game group and pamphlet group was 4.41 (SD=0.57) and 4.23 (SD=0.59), respectively. This study suggests potentiality of GBL to enhance knowledge and recognition performances of common cutaneous malignancies with high satisfaction. Embedding this approach in the primary prevention of cutaneous malignancies might be a promising option to prevent cancer-related morbidities and mortalities.



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