e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Collaborative learning and skill development for educational growth of artificial intelligence: A systematic review

Andres F. Mena-Guacas 1 * , Jairo Alonso Urueña Rodríguez 1, David Mauricio Santana Trujillo 1, José Gómez-Galán 2, Eloy López-Meneses 3 4

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 3, Article No: ep428

Submitted: 13 December 2022, Published Online: 28 March 2023

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The diversity of topics in education makes it difficult for artificial intelligence (AI) to address them all in depth. Therefore, guiding to focus efforts on specific issues is essential. The analysis of competency development by fostering collaboration should be one of them because competencies are the way to validate that the educational exercise has been successful and because collaboration has proven to be one of the most effective strategies to improve performance outcomes. This systematic review analyzes the relationship between AI, competency development, and collaborative learning (CL). PRISMA methodology is used with data from the SCOPUS database. A total of 1,233 articles were found, and 30 passed the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The analysis of the selected articles identified three categories that deserve attention: the objects of study, the way of analyzing the results, and the types of AI that could be used. In this way, it has been possible to determine the relationship offered by the studies between skill development and CL and ideas about AI’s contributions to this field. Overall, however, the data from this systematic review suggest that, although AI has great potential to improve education, it should be approached with caution. More research is needed to fully understand its impact and how best to apply this technology in the classroom, minimizing its drawbacks, which may be relevant, and making truly effective and productive use of it.



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