e-ISSN: 1309-517X
Beyond functionality: Building critical digital teaching competence among future primary education teachers

Linda Castañeda 1 * , Daniel Villar-Onrubia 2 3

CONT ED TECHNOLOGY, Volume 15, Issue 1, Article No: ep397

Submitted: 30 May 2022, Published Online: 02 November 2022

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This article belongs to the special issue: “No way back: from naive social media practices to committed approaches


Digital literacy has moved away from its traditional instrumental conception, to be nourished by critical perspectives that have been increasingly adopted in all areas of the analysis of technology and education. The importance of generating educational models that contribute to the emancipation of people in a post-digital and highly complex world is an increasingly evident challenge. However, it is still difficult to find concrete examples of pedagogical strategies specifically devised to foster digital literacy in line with this much needed emerging critical lens. This paper presents a case study of a set of learning experiences integrated into a compulsory module for students in the 1st year of a degree in education sciences, which leads to the qualification required to teach at primary schools in Spain. The results highlight the importance of providing students with learning opportunities conceived to help them become future teachers ready to have a transversal impact on education for the emancipation of people in the post-digital world, rather than simply training them as operators who use technology to enhance skills.



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